How to Turn the Firehose of Ideas Into Real, Live, Working Marketing in the Next 90 Days

The 2015 Great Legal Marketing Summit was a mighty success. Because we work with so many new and seasoned GLM members, we understand the challenges of converting all the ideas and strategies into real marketing that gets out the door and gets results. That’s why we took the opportunity to present at one of the breakout sessions and show you how you can do that.

In this repeat presentation, prepare to experience many “ah-ha” moments when you finally start connecting the dots between GLM strategies and executable ideas and real actions for your law firm. In this session, you will get an overview of the must-have marketing items every law firm should have with plenty of real-life examples of how good marketing is done by other law firms. You will also give you an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the marketing behind Ben Glass’s law firm. You’ll see the good, the bad, and the ugly. You’ll hear the marketing successes and failures. You’ll end with a to-do list and a confident vision for what needs to happen at your law firm and how exactly it needs to be done.

Remember…the advertising samples you see here are solely for instructional and educational purposes. Please don’t rip them off verbatim. Be inspired, but don’t outright copy. Some of the items may be licensed to for use  if you are a GLM member. Contact me or GLM to find out.

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