Attorney Marketing Packages for Law Firm Success

When you decided to become an attorney, did you think you were also signing up to run a business, or become a marketing expert? Probably not. 

You wanted to help people with their legal needs, and be able to provide a happy, successful life for yourself and your family.

That is not too much to ask, and in fact, it is exactly what you deserve and should be striving for.

The fact is, no matter how deeply and selflessly we desire to help people, we need money and we need to be profitable so we can continue to do the work we do.

So whether you like it or not, your law practice depends on good marketing and advertising to make the kind of money that allows you to live the life you want.

Unfortunately, the marketing world is so overcrowded and overloaded, it can sometimes feel downright oppressive when you want to do something positive to grow your practice.

I totally get it.

And I’m not going to tell you I have an easy 3-step formula to 10X your law practice, or that you have to buy the latest shiny tool to magically get more cases.

The truth is, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, stuck, or frustrated, what you need to do is shake it off, make a plan (even an imperfect one), and take a step forward. That’s how things get done.

No one said it would be easy. 

But, the fact that you’re on this page is proof you have what it takes. 

The problem is many attorneys think they have to have it all figured out before they move forward.  

I’ve been helping attorneys across the country and in Canada implement successful marketing for many years, and believe me, they do NOT have it all figured out. 

They take the plunge using the information and resources they have NOW, and make corrections as they go. 

Unfortunately, there is one problem that I see all the time.

Attorneys having “marketing moments.” They take action on a single marketing piece, but neglect the “before” and “after” work that makes the marketing effort successful.

At Zine, we’ve seen how good marketing can go to waste when it’s done without an overall, strategic approach.

The packages we’ve created make sure nothing gets missed. You get everything you need for a start-to-finish marketing campaign that gets results, that you can use over and over again. 

And, being part of the Great Legal Marketing marketing team, I’ve seen the good and the bad. I know what works and what doesn’t, and how to get results.  

There is second problem…

It is often a challenge to see your own marketing with the right perspective, objectively.

It doesn’t matter whether you are an attorney, a butcher, a baker or a candlestick maker. Business owners are often too close to their businesses to accurately see the big picture, or determine if their marketing message even makes sense. 

Are they saying what their prospects want to hear? Or are they like the annoying dinner guest who just keeps babbling on, completely unaware that nobody is listening or interested in what he’s saying. 

When you have “marketing moments” you fail to create a cohesive plan that integrates your message, the various media you use (ads, postcards, newsletter, online marketing), your sales process, and your follow-up process. 

They somehow get all tangled up in the details, get overwhelmed, and abandon the whole thing. 

These marketing packages will yield assets that not only generate leads and sales, but are also repeatable. PLUS, you get consultation and feedback on your message and copy to make sure it is compelling and unique, and not the same old thing your competitors are doing. 

When you finally have an arsenal of marketing assets, you are less likely to have “marketing moments” and more likely to keep your marketing systems in place for continual law firm growth and success. 



The Attorney Book Package

Creating your book is the best place to start to build your prospect list and get more clients and cases…

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The Attorney Direct Mail and Email Package

If you’re selling hamburgers, you don’t need better hamburger-making machines, you need a crowd of hungry people. This package attracts the crowds of hungry people to your doorstep…

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The Attorney Newsletter Package

This is our favorite, freakin’ package (just don’t tell the others). The way we do newsletters is not for everyone. That’s why those who do it enter the “Premier” status…

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The Attorney Sales Letter Package

It amazes us that people have great stuff to sell, but they don’t bother to tell people about it. I mean really tell people about it so they raise their hand and say, “Oh man, I need that!” That’s what this package does…

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The Law Firm Membership Program Package

If you’ve figured out how to leverage your current client list by moving them into continuity programs (such as VIP programs, memberships and subscriptions for coaching, consulting, newsletters, etc) then you’ve probably given some thought to how to market it. This package is what you were hoping for but didn’t know really existed… 

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These packages are designed to give you a solid foundation for doing effective, proven marketing, and give you the momentum you need towards a successful law firm.

Contact us to discuss how these packages can work in your law firm. 

Concerned about the cost? This might help give you some perspective. 

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